Originally posted at bcvsbc.blogspot.com on 05/02/18
I just got off the phone with my surgeon where she informed me that the pathology results were ALL CLEAR! To be specific the lymph node biopsy was negative and all clear of cancer. NO LYMPH NODE INVOLVEMENT. I also had clear margins on all sides of the mastectomy and no cancer in my right breast.
There was great concern that I would not have clear margins around the largest tumor because it was very close to the skin. Due to this we were prepared for the margins to come back with cancer, and ultimately, radiation would be needed. This is what I had prepared myself for after the surgeon had explained her concerns to me. But, some how, we received the outcome we were praying for.
Although this news is fantastic there is a stark reality tucked inside it. The largest tumor was 2.7cm which is over one inch. The second tumor was 0.6cm which is approximately about the size of an eraser on the end of a pencil. I was never told the size of the third tumor. Inside my left breast was multi-focal DCIS (the first stages of cancer) throughout the entirety of my breast with lobular involvement throughout. It also was focal vascular invasive. My cancer nurse explained that if we had not been able to do the surgery as quickly as we had my results would be much worse than what I was given today. Bottom line is the cancer was spreading, and spreading fast. I am very lucky that surgery was able to happen as quickly as it had and not waited the average 2-3 weeks.
My staging will stay at stage II, this is based on the size of the largest tumor. The next step at this point is for me to meet with my oncologist. I scheduled that appointment for a phone interview tomorrow. We will get a preliminary plan started then while I start to mentally prepare for my next battle to conquer. I will still need chemotherapy and herceptin for a minimum of a year because I have HER2+ cancer and again that is the most aggressive form. To answer the question, yes I will be losing my hair. Everyone asks that question first for some reason. It's just hair and I am not worried about it so please don't any of you worry about it either!
As I sit here and type this post I can't stop crying. In my heart I had prepared for the worst. I knew all the outcomes and I wanted to be ready for it. Each outcome was going to be so much harder on me but in the end my little family, my parents, and siblings. I have been praying harder, and more frequently, than any other time in my life to give me the strength to endure whatever it was. And now I am in shock that the news was the best that I could have received. I know it is not from my prayers alone, but from those of so many others that cared and took a minute to include me and my family in their own prayers. I want you to all know how grateful I am to you. It was going to take a miracle and I got it.
It wasn't just prayers that helped get these results, it was the fact that I did self breast exams. Until I take my last breath I will beg all women to do self breast exams. Fear unravels inside my body when I think about the very different future I would be looking at if I had not found that lump and checked it as frequently as I had. I know that the Lord prompted me to make Scott feel it, to schedule an appointment, and with every step I took to find the tumor(s) as fast as I did. Please if you are reading this and are a woman, start doing self exams. If you are a man reading this and have a significant other, start doing an exam on your partner. If you are a mom with a daughter and she has started her period, sit down and show her how to do a self exam. I know that this saved my life and I believe, with my entire heart, that it could save another woman too.