Posts tagged sentinel node breast biopsy
Armpit Biopsy Images

I love to be prepared for what is going to happen to this body. How many more scars I am going to own is a fun guessing game and to make a logical guess I scour the internet to understand exactly what is going to happen during each procedure. Since I wasn’t able to find any great pictures prior to my biopsy I thought I had better post some. Some of you are here because you are my tribe, so sorry you get to see my jacked up body. But others might be going through a similar situation as me and I pray that these might help you with what you are gong through in some small way.


The biopsy was done in the radiology office, the same room as the ultrasound to confirm that it was suspicious after the CT scan. All bandages had to be left on for 24 hours and then removed. This was how it looked after 24 hours and bandages were taken off.


After removing the steri-strips this was all that was under there, two small red dots. I think typically you would only have one red mark but we had to switch the size of the needle to a larger one because the node was so deep that the smaller needle couldn’t dig deep enough to reach it. There was visible bruising as the days progressed but nothing like the breast biopsy from last time. All in all this one was a piece of cake!

Surgery update on my killer boobs

Originally published at on 4/27/18

The surgery went well yesterday.  In honor of this special day I had my buddy Mike make me some shirts to commemorate it.  Going into the hospital my shirt said, "I have killer boobs",  When I was released to come home I changed into a shirt that said, "I HAD killer boobs". At times like this humor is much needed.


First up was the sentinel node biopsy.  This might have been the most painful thing I have ever had done.  During that procedure I got four shots around my nipple that inject radioactive blue dye into my lymph system.  It then travels though my body to find the lymph nodes that are either blocking the cancer from spreading, OR, are already infected and spreading.  The shots were pretty intense because you aren't allowed to have any numbing to lessen the pain.  Once inside the surgery room and under anesthetic they take a device like a stud finder to locate the nodes that are infected.  Two nodes lit up so those two were removed and will be sent off to the lab. 

Next up they started on the mastectomies.  My left breast is the one that is filled with tumors.  When this surgery is done they try to get a certain amount of clean margins.  Unfortunately the mass that I was able to feel and see was very close to the skin.  This means that we might not have been able to get clean margins.  So we wait to see what the pathology reports say.  IF they find that the margins were not clean I will need radiation.  This is the same if my nodes came back positive. 

I decided to an immediate reconstruction so my plastic surgeon installed the expanders inside my breast.  In order for the expanders to stay in place they used a piece of cadaver tissue to hold them in position.  So not only do I have no breasts right now, I have dead skin in me.  I'm almost a zombie!


For now we are playing the waiting game to see what the doctors find after dissecting my breast tissue.  They say it takes 3-10 days.  I am praying for it to be closer to 3 than 10. 


One thing that was pretty crazy for how intense the surgery was is that I came home the same day.  My parents have been amazing.  The doctors and nurses recommended that I sleep in a recliner because it will help with the swelling and pain.  Scott and I have moved in with parents, not because of my diagnosis, but because we have been trying to move to Ripon.  As soon as my parents heard I needed to sleep in a recliner my dad left the hospital to buy me a recliner for my room.  It was so sweet!

Scott has been amazing through all of this.  He is my cheerleader, my muscle, and keeps me laughing when I want to cry.  I love him beyond words. 


Thank you to all of you that have sent me messages, texts, flowers, and other goodies.  I appreciate it.  I know this fight is going to be hard and I will need all the prayers and help I can get.    Keep your fingers crossed that the results come back quickly and pray that we get clear margins.