Posts tagged TDM1
Chemo TDM1 round 2

Last Friday I had my second dose of TDM1. It was another day of doubling up on treatments with radiation in the morning and chemo in the afternoon, I was tapped out by dinner time. Scotty had a meeting so my mom tagged along for this one.


The medicine did not bring out any adverse reactions during my last infusion so I was able to have the medicine given over 30 minutes instead of 3 hours. I can’t decide which is better. When the medicine is slower I feel like I have less reactions to it. This could be in my head but I feel more sick after receiving the medicine quicker.


Overall the side effects have been the same; nausea, constipation, exhaustion, lack of energy, severe headaches, and no appetite.I guess I am starting to accept feeling like this as my new normal.

Two a Days

During my younger years two a days meant I had a swim practice in the early morning and then again in the late afternoon. Sometimes there was dryland training before afternoon practice too. The practices were challenging and I didn’t always want to be there, but I went. I can attest that anything you do twice in one day is tough but right now I would gladly jump in the pool as the sun is waking up and setting than another set of radiation and chemo on the same day. Thankfully I am close to being finished with the 25 rounds of radiation, so today should be the last time I have to double up on treatment.

When I started to research what to expect with radiation numerous women informed me that they chose not to work during treatment. There was no one constant answer as to why but all of them circled around how their skin felt and how they felt physically. I, of course, decided I could handle it just fine and instead kept up my normal workload. If you are following this blog then it is blatantly obvious that I am not able to keep up with life. Once I am done with my work, family, and the house I sleep. All the time. Scott and I were trying to keep track of exactly how much I sleep in one day and I think it is close to 15 hours.

My skin is holding up okay so far. Over the past few weeks they have changed my topical creams twice. Right now I am using SilverGel. It seems to be working better than aquafor, lanolin, and aloe vera. Fingers are crossed that my skin holds for the last five treatments. If I start to get open wounds then we will have to postpone the last sessions. I do not want to do that.

As for chemo the last round seemed okay. I felt tired. Shocker. I also had constipation really bad. So much fun. This medicine is making me feel sicker than the TCH. There are lots of drugs to help with the side effects which I am very grateful for. I do not want to vomit. I hate vomiting. Not sure if things will be the same after I get the infusion this afternoon but fingers are crossed that all goes well and the side effects stay at a minimum.

Chemo TDM1 round 1

As much as I want to do everything in my power to kill every speck of cancer in my body, I have been dreading the day that cancer treatment started back up again. The first time I did this I had no idea what to expect. There is something to be said about going in blind. I know how I am going to feel and I hate knowing that soon I will be worn down again. Adding radiation to the equation, and at the same time as chemo, means that the side effects are going to be more pronounced. I can tell you that Friday was a very, very long day.

In the morning I had my radiation treatment. When I got home I fed the kids and immediately fell asleep on the couch. My mom came to pick me up for my chemo at 1:15 and subsequently woke me. When I say I am tired I mean it.

Scott had a meeting so my mom waited with me until he could get to my appointment. With this being the first round of a new treatment I had to be monitored during and after the infusion. All that means is that the appointment was real long.


There is no way to prepare for chemo, especially when I knew what was coming. But I will say that I had worked it out in my head that this was still not going to be “as bad” as traditional chemotherapy, after all, it was a targeted chemotherapy treatment. I was wrong. When the nurse had to put on her hazmat suit (what I call the garments nurses have to put on when handling chemo meds) to get my medicine started I almost started to cry. I just really, really want this not to be what my life is. I really want to not NEED this medicine. But I do so there I sat as they explained all the allergic reactions I could have. It is truly terrifying knowing that you are willingly having something so toxic put into your body in the hopes of prolonging your life.

Thankfully I never had an allergic reaction. I was so tired it took everything in my power to stay awake in case I started to feel funny. By the time I was finished and Scott got me home all I wanted to do was shower off all the medical offices I had been in and go to bed. Which was exactly what I did and why I was alseep by 6 pm on Friday night. If you are wondering I didn’t wake up till 5 am the next morning.

So far in regards to side effects I am exhausted. It is more intense than when I had chemo a year ago. I feel broken-down. My stomach is unhappy so I am taking the anti-nausea medicines like candy. There is more muscle pain than I remember which makes me think the bone pain is going to show itself in the coming weeks. I have more headaches and I feel like it is from the chemo and radiation since they started shortly after I began rads.

It sucks but I am trying hard to be present especially for the kids. I made it to their swim meet yesterday and collapsed once we were finally home. Today I have hardly been able to get out of the chair my body is so weak. But I am glad I went yesterday. There is no guarantee that I will get to attend all their meets and I will not let Cancer steal another minute of my time with my children.