Round 17

I'm late actually getting to this post since my infusion was over a week ago. No excuses, I didn’t have the mental energy to sit down and do it. My youngest is sick with some nasty sinus infection that has spread to her throat. So instead of resting and posting the blog I sat in the doctor office and pharmacy, made her favorite vegetable soup from scratch, and spent a bunch of time with her laying on top of me on the couch. That is not a complaint, I embrace the chaos of every day life, in fact I cherish it. Nothing like cancer to make you long for more days hearing your kids whine!

Round 17 was pretty routine. Scotty has decided to make it to the last few rounds of treatment. As he told me he has started this thing with me and he will end it with me. God found me the most perfect man for me and I am grateful.


I think he wears the same shirt every time….

You can’t see in the picture that well but I am finally beginning to have eyelashes begin to grow back and stay. I have missed them so very much! Each morning I spend a solid minute just starring at my eyes and thinking how lovely they look with eyelashes. Eyelashes make a person look less sick, who knew?! The odd red ring around my eyes and pallor of my skin seem nonexistent all because of a sprouting of eyelashes!


My hair has lost its mind. Nothing is keeping it down any longer, not even my son’s gorilla snot that had been working. I actually might have to buy the type of gel that people use to keep their mohawks up.

So the fun stuff. My nose is still dripping, my feet hurt about 300 times worse than when I started just the targeted chemo in November, there is no change in the amount of diarrhea and stomach aches, and my nails are so painful from cracking that they bring tears to my eyes some days. All in all not bad for only needing one more infusion!