3 Week Update
Originally published at bcvsbc.blogspot.com on 11/11/18
I realized that I never posted a weekly hair update! So here it is...
I feel like there is more noticeable darkness on the top of my head this week. Whether or not my hair is actually getting longer is questionable right now but for sure the "spotty" patches are slowly filling in. In the pictures it is hard to see but there is a large amount of gray that has filled in. My mom and older sister love to point them out when they see me.
Since I was taking my picture on Friday for this blog Rey and Em were asking me why I was doing it. After we discussed documenting my hair starting to come back they asked if it was going to be dark like Emmy's or lighter like Rey's. So I put Emmy's hair across my scalp. Reyna thought it was the funniest thing ever, see her in the background. Stinker!