Still Here

It has been a bit since I got back on here and for that I am sorry.

Living after cancer has proved to be a different type of pain than living with cancer. I wish I could say it has been sunshine and roses, but this blog has always been about the truth, so I can’t say that.

Since my last post I have been trying to figure out what normal for me and my family is. There is so much fear of another reoccurrence, anxiety that I am not doing all the “things” to prevent cancer, hyper awareness of keeping stress to a minimum, and trying to understand just how much of an effect cancer had on me both physically and mentally…it has been challenging.

I am going to do my best to start posting again. Moving forward I think this blog will be mainly focused on what I am struggling with due to the side effects of cancer treatment. A main focus will be lymphedema. It is not lost on me how ironic it is that my surgeon told me he NEVER has patients that end up with lymphedema, yet here I am pumping my arm morning and night plus wearing compression sleeves day after day (needless to say he is my least favorite of all the surgeon’s I have dealt with). I also think I will show you the skin cancer that showed up on my nose that the dermatologist thinks was due to my weakened immune system and other factors.

I know, lots to look forward to in the coming days and months! As always, it is my hope that some of this might help someone else on this unfortunate journey of breast cancer.

Alicia BiedermannComment