Originally published at on 09/14/18
Well, it has taken almost two weeks but Biedermann Crew is officially settled into our new home. As of yesterday we have tv and internet which are the two most important "things" in a move I guess. We have found that living without them does make you feel rather disconnected. Compiled with the lack of technology and media is the frustrating realization that on the side of town we moved to AT&T has the worse cell service in all of the County. This means my phone also has limited capabilities as well. To say it has been an interesting few weeks in our house is an understatement and that we are overjoyed to be reconnected. (I will get a few pictures of the house up in another post)
To get up to speed I am doing good. The second half of round 5 was better than the first half. I was able to eat a little meat and found a sparkling water that tasted rather decent. Having been able to eat a little more and keep more fluid in me made a huge difference. Overall I had more energy and was able to sleep longer stretches of time because the stomach pain had lessened.
In an effort to conserve all my energy into only being focused on my body regenerating itself (if that is even possible) I didn't work out during this round. It should seem easy enough to not do since the workouts are only about 30 min to an hour but damn it was hard! I felt more tired than normal and attributed it to the lack of physical exercise. It does not help that it makes me feel like a sloth too.
Yesterday I had my blood work drawn to see how the numbers look for ROUND 6. If you don't remember my chemo regiment is 6 rounds of TCH followed by a year of just H. The TC are the more toxic medicines; hair falls out, destroys the bone marrow, red and white blood cells die off, platelets's a long and nasty list that I will be happy to be done with.
Thankfully when I checked my results my platelets were at 136! That is still below the low range but it is high enough for Chemo today baby!! I am telling myself that not working out did give my body more energy to stay strong. No way was I postponing another week. Not going to happen. I have this all planned out and there is no way that anything is standing in my way. I will kick cancers crap no matter how low my platelets get. Mind you I will be a sight to see; bald, missing eyelashes, and bruised from head to toe. But who cares, let's do this!