Pep In My Step

Originally published at on 06/12/18

The past few days I have felt pretty amazing.  To start, I don't feel sick!  I am hungry (as in ravenous), I spend way less time in the bathroom (hallelujah), and I am gaining a little bit more mobility in my arms.  All in all a great week for me.  But even with all of that the best part is that the rash/acne has receded which made the unbearable burning and itching disappear (prayers answered).  That has been the greatest highlight this week.


You can still see the rash if you zoom in but nothing like what it was five days ago.  That is little Miss Emmy and I.  She is pretty happy when she gets to have a little alone time with me, especially since it hasn't happened much in the past two months.  Best part for her is my incisions are healing enough for her to hug me.  I can't feel it on my chest area still, perhaps I never will, but her little arms around me is all I need! 

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